This website is owned and operated by Z41, LLC. These terms set forth the terms and conditions under which you may use our website and services as offered by us.
Please do not reach out to the Z41 Instagram or your developer asking for an update on your film. Your order status will change to "SENT" when finished.
You are solely responsible for creating back-ups of your digital content. We are not an image backup or long term storage service provider. You should always keep backup copies of your photos stored safely on a device or service specifically designated and intended for backup purposes. We delete all photos off of our computers and hard drives one (1) month after we provide you an email with a WeTransfer link.
Z41 does not control the content of customers film and does not have any obligation to monitor such content for any purpose. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for all content and material you provide to Z41.
Mature content warning - Any mature content sent without prior approval and instructions on how to send via email will be deleted.
There will be no refund if you submit/ship a roll to us for development/scan and it produces no images. If you have paid for your negatives to be returned to you but there are no images, we will not return your negatives (unless by request) and will refund you the amount you paid for your negative return.
Please ship your roll to us as soon as possible. If we receive your roll in a different week than the week you ordered, we cannot ensure a three day turnaround as we now have a new batch of orders.
If you request your negatives back, we will ship them to you after we develop and scan your roll(s).
Full refunds can be processed same week of purchase. Any weeks after that will result in a half refund for purchased services.